After the baby shower, my husband and I went to SM Makati a few days ago and bought more stuff for the baby that we will need to pack for the hospital. At this stage and my condition, we opt to organize our things early so that we don't fall into a panic stage like the last time during my premature labor at The Medical City. Girl scouts should always be ready! (but I am no girl scout though, hehe!)

We bought more mittens, socks, tops, burping pads, and bibs. I opt for a receiving blanket rather than a swaddle - it's similar and cheaper - especially if our baby will be staying more in the nursery. But I'm praying she'll be rooming-in with me more for breastfeeding. We also bought extra linens - can't resist myself from buying it because of the cute patterns - this is because it reminds me of Alice in Wonderland theme. In addition to that, we packed up the healthcare kit that one of my friends gave me during the baby shower.

I also packed things for myself like a pillow, blanket, button-up tops, robe, slippers, and other comfy stuff needed for my labor up until my delivery and going back home.
Today's the start of my weekly checkup with Dr. Calingo, my OB, since we're in the 36-37th week already. I really, really like her - she's super nice, kind, and caring like a mother.
I told her I've been having contractions-like pain again, so she opt to prescribe me Isoxilan, just like when I was confined last May. She told me to take it for a week, and let her know if I'm still feeling in pain. Lately, our baby has been moving so strong, even when my OB was trying to find her heartbeat. Before, our baby will only move in the evening and more during dawn. And now, she's moving even when I'm eating lunch or dinner, or when I walk, or even when I'm just sitting or trying to take my afternoon nap. I pray that everything will be okay up until the d-day.

I used my free gift certificate from Gonuts Donuts again as simple thanks to my OB and her assistant. Hubby and I also did our own takeout as snacks for The Avatar marathon.
Till my next post! Ciao~
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