After eating sliced pineapples as dessert last July 27th, I fell asleep early and woke up around 10pm - my water bag broke. My husband was a bit panicky than me as I calmly informed my OB as she advised for me to go straight to The Medical City.
11pm - I was in so much pain all the way to my lower back, so we went to the emergency room first so that we can use their wheelchair and assist me to the 5th floor's preterm labor room.
July 28 1am - My water bag broke before I was in labor, so they took me to the labor room wherein I had the most intense contractions of 1-2 minutes interval and 2-3 minutes duration. Even the residents that were monitoring me say that my contractions are too long, they can't imagine the pain I was going through.
They let me had light breakfast, but all I wanted was to sleep. I ate a cheese roll and drank water. Then my OB informed me that it's taking too long, so she told me unless I'm 5-8cm dilated, they'll need to do a CS operation on me because my baby's pulse was dropping.
7:30pm - No developments, my OB decided to do CS. I was okay of course, anything for my child's safe delivery. But I was so scared. Even my epidural went off to the last minute during my stitching after my baby got out so I felt everything. I tried telling them but I was too groggy and I had my oxygen mask on.
Our trials did not stop here, during our stay, baby Celestia Daenerys and I had to endure antibiotics thru our IVs because of my dry labor to prevent infection and such. After we were discharged and came back to my baby's pedia for a follow-up checkup, we were informed that she has Jaundice - the reason for the yellow skin and eyes. We had to re-admit her again for 3-4 days. There were no rooms available, so we had to put her in NICU. I had to visit her everyday for breastfeeding - but my pedia allowed us to do mix feeding because of my poor lactation. She can have formula while I'm away since I can't be with her 24/7 at the hospital.
Then this freaking weather - I was staying in Cainta at my parents during baby CD's first few weeks. Thus, I was stuck because the flood was all the way up to our waist. It took me 3 days before I can go home.

Thank God that our baby was normal on August 8, and I told my husband to take her home in our condo since the situation in Cainta was not improving. My hubby also took me home the next day when the streets are finally passable. I miss my baby so much.
We welcomed her last July 28th, she was around 2.8kg. Now, she's 3.3kg and still gaining weight.
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